Monday, December 19, 2011


Christmas seems to be eternally related to OVERINDULGENCE doesn't it? The ham, the turkey, the pudding, the champagne...... followed by the guilt and the new years resolutions.......

it might be a good idea, this season, to get a head start and put some healthy options out on the table as well.  I assure you that your body will love you for it......

adora Healthy Living is, as the name suggests, a lot more than a food's a destination for so many healthy options and stocks a wide range of organic and gluten free products; supplements and vitamins; herbal teas; cereals, pasta and grains; protein powders and even organic pet food!

There's a range for the organic BABY in your life and a ton of eco household cleaning products for the allergy sufferers among us.

You can have an organic tea or a chilled coconut water whilst sitting on the terrace or chatting to owner, the lovely Dorota, about your healthy options....

The fridge is stocked with chilled juices, coconut water and fresh salad selections. There is also a coconut milk ice cream on offer!

And for Xmas - there are ready-made hampers many options but  I think the gluten-free PANETTONE has to be winner here.

In fact, there are so many great solutions here in answer to the annoying guests who won't  touch anything unless its gluten free, organic, dairy free, sugar free, additive free....DORA has it all!

You can put together any size hamper, with a variety of foods and/or beauty products and the best news is that a home delivery service is also offered.

So my advice for a stress free shopping day?  Head to ADORA, put in on order (or two) for gift hampers or your very own xmas delights, head around to Bourke St Bakery for a coffee and then home in time for the delivery man!

adora Healthy Living
Greenknowe Ave
(just off Macleay)
Potts Point   
+61 2 9380 8820

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