Monday, December 19, 2011


Christmas seems to be eternally related to OVERINDULGENCE doesn't it? The ham, the turkey, the pudding, the champagne...... followed by the guilt and the new years resolutions.......

it might be a good idea, this season, to get a head start and put some healthy options out on the table as well.  I assure you that your body will love you for it......

adora Healthy Living is, as the name suggests, a lot more than a food's a destination for so many healthy options and stocks a wide range of organic and gluten free products; supplements and vitamins; herbal teas; cereals, pasta and grains; protein powders and even organic pet food!

There's a range for the organic BABY in your life and a ton of eco household cleaning products for the allergy sufferers among us.

You can have an organic tea or a chilled coconut water whilst sitting on the terrace or chatting to owner, the lovely Dorota, about your healthy options....

The fridge is stocked with chilled juices, coconut water and fresh salad selections. There is also a coconut milk ice cream on offer!

And for Xmas - there are ready-made hampers many options but  I think the gluten-free PANETTONE has to be winner here.

In fact, there are so many great solutions here in answer to the annoying guests who won't  touch anything unless its gluten free, organic, dairy free, sugar free, additive free....DORA has it all!

You can put together any size hamper, with a variety of foods and/or beauty products and the best news is that a home delivery service is also offered.

So my advice for a stress free shopping day?  Head to ADORA, put in on order (or two) for gift hampers or your very own xmas delights, head around to Bourke St Bakery for a coffee and then home in time for the delivery man!

adora Healthy Living
Greenknowe Ave
(just off Macleay)
Potts Point   
+61 2 9380 8820

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Macleay Bookshop

Macleay Bookshop has been around for more than half a century, which is a very long time in dog aussie years, and I can only guess that in the 50+ years since Miss Norma Chapman first opened the doors of Clay's, as it was known then, it has seen a lot of weird and wonderful goings on....the white witch of the Cross Rosaleen Norton was a close neighbour, so.... you get my drift, right?

It is said that "Miss Chapman ran her wonderfully overfull and [only apparently] shambolic bookshop with perfect knowledge of the stock and literary trends past and present......" and I have to say that the current [and 4th] owner, Richard Stern carries on this tradition wonderfully well.

Richard reckons that "Macleay Bookshop is one of Sydney’s oldest and most loved bookstores – loved for it’s depth of stock, knowledgeable staff and great location in Sydney’s old bohemian quarter … and loved for  something else – that expectant feeling known to the true book browser, that here is quality...."

LOOK UP at "Daphne + Apollo"by Australian Artist Victor Rubin 

This store is packed to the rafters with an extremely well curated and truly eclectic range of books from art-house to racy novels; from luscious photographic tomes to Penguin Classics. There is a great range of antiquarian books and a small tightly edited collection of used books as well. There's even a range of  bookish stocking fillers.

even the late, great Christopher Hitchins bowed down to PG Wodehouse

Books are displayed on every surface and in every corner, but Richard and his dedicated and very knowledgable and friendly staff have no problems in putting a hand on your request in speedy time. This is definitely a store to linger and chat but can work equally well for a last minute dash and a  "quick! I need present for dad/daughter/boss/friend and I'm running late!" luckily they have the card and the wrapping paper on hand as well, and I'm sure if you ask sweetly, they will do the wrapping honours.

As a long term resident I am very interested in the history and the stories of the area, from Colonial days, thru to Razorhurst, pre-war, Bohemian 50's and Abe Saffron Days.

I had a quick scout around yesterday and chatted to Richard about some stocking fillers and some deckchair reading [if summer EVER arrives] and tried to find a book for every possible scenario and every person on that Xmas Gift List.

Here goes.......

have no idea about this, but just the cover thrills me 

one for the plane...or the father-in-law 

 loves me a good scandi thriller!

 a winner!

 most talked-about guy this year

 gaga and terry

they write !!! 

 look smart when the movie comes out

 edited by an aussie goddess

 local resident [if she can do it - you can too!]

local restaurant spills secrets 

And if all else fails....go the penguins. I would be more than happy with a stocking full of these guys...still less than $10 a pop!

Macleay Bookshop 
103 Macleay Street Potts Point
+61 2 9358 2908        


DELI potts point

Every village has to have a great DELI. Whether it's London or New York, a small town in France or a village in the Dolomites, a visit to the local deli to see what the locals like to eat is a must-do! How lucky are we that we have one of the best, jam-packed deli's in town?!

the deli at Potts Point offers a great selection of food all year round, but at Christmas time, Connie lifts the bar just that little bit higher.......

There is always a great fresh daily selection to be had - whether it's a special treat or a fast, healthy meal on the way home - things like salads and pies, lasagne and quiche, cupcakes and biscuits...

And now there are mountains of Christmas treats as well - literally mountains of goodies, piled sky-high.

the deli has a really comprehensive selection of Australian sourced products, like Maggie Beer's range from the Barossa Valley [pates, pastes, ice-creams, stocks, sauces]. There is even a non-alcoholic tipple in there, for the non-imbibing guests...

And they are also stocking a range of imported gourmet goodies - the kind with the unusual and oh so exotic packaging... the kind that tells your guests you went that little bit extra in sourcing for your xmas feast.

kid friendly!

In addition to the cold cuts and cheeses and deli bits and pieces, there is also a special christmas catering service... Connie can put together anything you like over the Xmas and New Year period.... whether it's for some of the outdoor concerts or a self-catered bbq at home.

ideal for anyone planning to visit the area to watch the fireworks display or heading to one of the special events in the Domain over summer, or watching the Syd to Hobart on the Harbour... or even for those of use who can't see past the ham and turkey after Boxing Day!

instant table decorations!

the deli  
shop 5/65 Macleay Street
Potts Point

02 93581266
0422 257 940

Saturday, December 17, 2011


'Against the Grain' from Melbourne band, HUDSON

Hudson - Against The Grain from Dropbear on Vimeo.

Friday, December 16, 2011


Each time I walk past SPRINGCOURT it makes me smile ... there is always something interesting going on in that store ... a guitarist practising his slide, a cute pooch, a cool window display - and on some special days a wave from the rotating roster of gorgeous sales assistants! seriously, is there a casting secret to these hipper than hip dudes?

Fans of SPRINGCOURT [and there are many] seem to be fans for life and it's not difficult to understand why, along with the myriad design choices [from classic and understated to leopard print and shiny metallics] there is a consistent comfort factor.

Originally designed as a tennis shoe, the 'springy' removable inner sole gives a nice support, unlike your more basic canvas sneakers, which tend to make me feel that my arch has collapsed, after a few hours of wear.

Springcourt collaborate a lot with other design teams and clothing labels, which leads to interesting collections and means that the choice on offer in constantly changing.... which in turn means more temptations to purchase!

From Opening Ceremony to Japanese brand Resistance to an organic range for Sak's Fifth Ave, these guys are one step ahead of the curve.....

And of course the brand being French, chic and old enough to be classed as vintage.... well there's some serious fashion / design / street cred happening right there!

This shoe is attractive to everyone from teens to grandparents and all-sorts in between - yes that includes hipsters and, dare I suggest, even tennis players.

And, if you're looking at rocking a vintage-tennis-court-vibe in an ironic-Royal Tenenbaums-kinda way this summer.... I say "just do it!" [headbands optional].


22 Macleay St
Potts Point 2011
phone: 02 9358 4888 :



Thursday, December 15, 2011


Pure and General is a store that has to be seen to be believed........ it's a store that is the darling of design editors and stylists around town and it's not hard to see why..... it's a store that you need to set aside a good amount of time to dig into the treasure troves that spill abundantly from every surface, every bench-top, chair and available wall space!

The vision behind Pure and General is to source products that are imbued with integrity and craftsmanship; that are sustainable and enduring; products that are so beautiful and made with so much care that you wouldn't want to update, throw away or replace them.

Owner Linda Gregoriou travels the world, dealing directly with artisans and sourcing things of beauty from locations as far flung as Japan, Morocco, Africa, Scandanavia, the UK and the United States to bring back into her Aladdin's Cave.

Its an exotic market, a village square, a souk, a casbah an interiors resource and a craft store all in one!

Chatting to Linda, its easy to see that every treasure is dear to her and there is a fascinating story behind each and every one..... almost as fascinating as the raison d'etre for the store. It all began when she couldn't find the right ironing board - one that was well designed, built to last, aesthetically pleasing and made of wood [all the better to match her grandma's wicker washing basket that had stood the test of time]. This item proved to be elusive, but where others may have given in, Linda persisted and searched and searched.

After a world-wide search that included Paris and London the IRONING BOARD was found! and so made its way home from Berlin to Sydney as hand luggage [was there ever a more loved ironing board?!]

The latest container to be unpacked at Pure and General includes CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS that are as inspired and exotic as you would expect. The kind of baubles you might find in an antique shop in Paris or the famous Christmas Markets in Austria.

There are so many ideas for presents, tree trimmers, table settings and more.... check it out, you won't be disappointed!

Pure and General is directed by  Linda Gregoriou and architect Dale Jones-Evans and for a daily dose of inspiration, you can follow them on Facebook and find them tucked away here :

114 Brougham Street 
Potts Point NSW 
phone +61 2 9360 6060