My advice? spot 'em $5 and send them off to The Museum of Sydney's exhibition SURF CITY.
Better still, head along there with them if you can.... there's an awful lot of nostalgia going on in there......
"Surf City tracks Sydney’s dynamic surf scene through the 50s, 60s and 70s: spanning an amazing period of social upheaval, post war optimism, teen angst, rock and roll, prosperity, drugs and shifting cultural frontiers........featuring Sydney's surfing hubs, hot spots and cultures along with the movers and shapers who stirred the pot during these vivid and volatile years......"
Check it out to see what "surf-crazed Sydneysiders wore, watched, made, rode, heard and read...." and then come to the conclusion that 'the more things change, the more they stay the same.' Seriously the hair, board shorts and thongs are so spot on for 2011!
The exhibition has boards, movies, photos, magazines, music, clothes, everyday surf wares and treasures.
According to the blurb, Sydney's love affair with surfing started with the import of California 'malibu' boards in the 1950's and it hasn't stopped since.
"It started with a young, restless generation – with their ‘finned’ fibreglass boards, rock ’n’ roll, cars and bad attitudes – hitting the surf and clashing with an outraged alliance of surf-club officials, councillors, police, disapproving parents, a spellbound media and a wide-eyed public....."
Read more on the Surf City BLOG HERE with many more pics and link to other amazing surf culture reading (if thats your thing)
all pix from Museum of Sydney
until 18 March
Corner Phillip and Bridge Streets, Sydney
Adult $10 | Child/Concession $5 | Family $20 | Members free
Open daily 9.30am — 5pm | Closed Good Friday and Christmas Day
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