Wednesday, November 30, 2011

crumpled city maps

how totally genius is this gem of an idea........ crumpled city maps??! 
I mean, how many times have you tried to refold a map exactly the right way, and given up in frustration?  well those crafty, designery Italians have come up with a solution - its a crumpled map made out of some kind of hard-wearing, laminated paper (like the bibs you get when eating ribs or lobster in the states) and IT NEVER HAS TO BE RE-FOLDED! just SCHRUNCHED into your pocket or bag or glovebox.

this is the most brilliant idea Ive seen in ages and has beautiful graphics, so you can appreciate the aesthetics, whilst enjoying the convenience...

.....there is one for every city you could imagine and each map provides details about a large part of the city, including streets, monuments, museums, art galleries and much more........

ideal 'stocking filler' or xmas present for friends on the move or staying over for the holidays.....
CRUMPLED CITY MAPS are available at:

Shop 3, 46 A Macleay St, Potts Point
(the Post Building)
+612 9331 3488

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