Thursday, October 3, 2013

International Fleet Review

Get ready Sydney....the Navy is coming to town - and not just our Navy it seems like EVERY Navy is on it's way, with the International Fleet Review taking place over this long weekend. Two years ago the invitation was sent out and, from tomorrow onwards, we will have around 40 warships coming into town to say g'day.  There will be pomp, there will be ceremony, there will be admirals and rear admirals and epaulettes and even a prince called Harry.

The Tall Ships arrived today and tomorrow Sydney will welcome a combined fleet of 40 warships from Australia, Brunei, Canada, China, India, Indonesia, France, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Micronesia, Russia, Singapore, Spain, South Korea, Thailand, Tonga, the UK, and the US.

With its proximity to the Cross, Garden Island has always been a popular port

I'm thinking the Warship arrival (all day Friday) and the RAAF Roulettes (9.45am Friday) the Helicopter display team (Saturday 10.45) and the Fleet Review (Saturday 11am) are going to be highlights and the fireworks on Saturday night are rumoured to be bigger and more fabulous than NYE with many ships acting as the launching pads all around the Harbour!

For more information on the International Fleet Review, visit the NAVY website

And for updates go LIKE them on FB HERE

Not sure if the fireworks are simulcast, but if they are I hope they play this song:

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