Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Bloomin' Marvellous

Nothing says spring like bountiful blooms and if you feel like heralding in the season with a splash of colour, you'd be mad not to take advantage of the Council flower give-away this weekend.

This Sunday, the City of Sydney will be giving away thousands of plants and flowers in support of the White Ribbon Foundation and around 30,000 pots of marigolds, begonias, salvia, lobelia, lamium and dianella are on offer in exchange for a teeny-weenie gold coin donation.

There's been nothing this cheap since Eliza Doolittle was flogging her posies!

The plants are left over from the latest Living Colour display which had a bicycle theme and floral blooms dotted around Sydney shaped like spokes, wheels and bikes, to celebrate the Sydney Rides spring bike riding festival.

White Ribbon Australia is the charity partner of Living Colour 2013 and is dedicated to preventing male violence against women.

For a small donation you receive a beautiful plant and help White Ribbon Australia deal with a problem that affects so many women - one woman is killed every week by a current or former partner and one in every three women over the age of 15 reports physical or sexual violence at some point in their lives.

Living Colour has brightened Sydney’s streets for the last 10 years and uses water-wise, native and edible plants which are always re-homed after the event.

WHEN:           Sunday 3 November 2013 .... 8-11am

WHERE:         Cathedral Square, in front of St Mary’s Cathedral

Sydney Local says.....go the early and tack on a church service at the Cathedral, a swim at Cook + Phillip, or a feast of Yum Cha at Bohdi's to round out the day.

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