Wednesday, March 7, 2012

sale time !

It's change of season time, though some would argue about the viability of our summer.... Sydney has been DIRE... on the upside, there are a few excellent sales on 'round town this week(end)...

Tomorrow (Thursday) the Jac + Jack warehouse sale starts - its all luxe basics and knitwear, which is always a good foundation for fashionable options in this crazy weather....

Becker Minty also start their famous half yearly warehouse clearance tomorrow with lots of luxury items at great prices......discounted international designer furniture, home accessories, jewellery, and fashion on offer...for 4 days only in the basement of the POST Building right next door to Bourke Street Bakery. (enquiries: 8356 9999)

 $8250 reduced to $2500

Pure and General has already started the sale that everyone's been waiting for - SO much to choose from in soft furnishings, rugs, ceramics, glass wear....the list is endless. This is a store that's curated for the discerning eye, with treasures from all over the quick! they used to be the stylist's secret, but not any more....

And lastly, if you really can't be bothered heading out the door for a retail experience, why not shop online for a few little trinkets at the Santos Wish sale ? For the next 48 hrs any Santos Wish jewellery item in summer shades of blue is reduced by 30% with a VIP reduction code - go here for more info and your VIP CODE....

just what the doctor ordered to shake away those summertime blues!

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