Saturday, September 22, 2012

Potts Point : The Book

One of the first posts on this blog was about local artist Dean O'Brien and his stunning book of paintings of Elizabeth Bay. Well, the superbly talented POTTS POINT local has done it again, this time focusing on "Potts Point - Sydney's First Suburb".

The Potts Point paintings capture the locality in all it's beauty - from the El Alamein Fountain, to the architectural beauty of the grand apartment buildings, from cafe society to the local dogs..... a slice of life both beautiful and historic.

“I think Potts Point is experiencing a renaissance," says Dean.

"The area began its European life as an exclusive address then transitioned from bohemian to downright dodgy and is now one of the most desirable addresses in Sydney once again. This book reflects the European style of Potts Point and demonstrates its rich history and diverse inhabitants".

Both the book and watercolours as well as unframed original oil-on-canvas paintings available at :

BECKER MINTY Flagship Store
Shop 7, 81 Macleay Street Potts Point 
NSW 2011 
Tel: 02 8356 9999

Friday, September 14, 2012

Images of the Cross

The Kings Cross Photography Prize is on again in 2012. Big prize money up for grabs and of course, your chance to hang alongside some other  "iconic and truthful photo-visions of Kings Cross....." says curator Sandy Edwards (

Well, if you're looking for some colourful characters, or fodder for you lens you really need to just step out on the streets around here - always have something going on. Humanity in all it's wonderful diversity!

Jeff Duff by Roslyn Sharp

According to the brief : photographs can be taken at any time past or present.

Entries are due at : 5pm Friday October 5
Fee: Maximum of two entries $50
Email submission images at 72 dpi for viewing only to
Include up to 100 words about your image.
Deposit entry fee into the bank account below, tagged ‘KXPhoto’ plus your name.
Account: Kings Cross Arts Guild BSB 032 032 Acct No 148495
Finalists will be asked to supply a high-res exhibition image file which we will have professionally printed for an extra fee of $50.
Exhibition: Mercure Sydney Potts Point Hotel Victoria Street, Potts Point,
24 October–25 November
Opening: Wednesday 24 October 6–8pm
Queries: Curator Sandy Edwards 0402 112 755