Friday, June 15, 2012

banjo + matilda

isn't it crazy that, just as the weather starts to get really frigid and we think about our winter woolies the clothes all go on sale?! well I, for one, am definitely not complaining when there are SO MANY bargains to be had. BUT if the idea of schlepping to the City or, god forbid, WBJ on the weekend is not your cup of tea and you would much rather stay indoors and in flannelette (we don't judge) how about a spot of internet shopping?

how hard can it be when you're already on-line? [yes we can see you too]

Banjo and Matilda is a cult-status brand with a great range of cashmere knits, available on-line and right now.....ON SALE!

serious bargains to be had...

 classic knits
you can find them on facebook here and there's a cool blog with lost of style ideas here

winter walks have never looked better  - happy weekend!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Queen's Birthday

Being an Aussie and a Scot to boot, I'm not much of a Royalist, but when it comes to the Queen you've got to hand it to her..... a hard-working, long lasting, multi-tasking working mother who has been to all the best parties and must have some really fascinating people on speed dial.

So to HRH I say thanks for the Long Weekend Holiday, although we folk in Sydney could have done without the British Weather!

crown jewels

MM meets HRH





cowboy + queen

