Monday, October 24, 2011


wowee! what a scorcher today!!
mother nature decided to give us a wake-up call that summer is just around the corner.

when my daily dose of 'aquabumps' delivered this image into my in-box this morning, I was already in a summer breeze frame of mind before I even left home....

and my shopping list already had the word MANGO on it..... coz those guys are the taste of summer as far as I'm concerned...imagine my delight when I see these beauties at Harris Farm, all packaged up and ready to go?!.... at $20 for a case of 18, I just had to have the the math - that works out to be some very cheap mango, my friends.

we've already had snacks this afternoon and now some more mangoes are joining the asparagus and mint in a chilled Soba Noodle Salad  ! yummo....

and next up - tackling the home-made Mango Weis Bar. (Les Weis recommends the Kensington Pride)

oh and b.t.w. Harris Farm finally have bananas for less than the price of gold... I'm talking single digits. FINALLY !

Harris Farm is in Springfield Avenue Potts Point 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Very excited about my new spur-of-the-moment purchase from Eclettica, a gorgeous little store tucked away in Rockwall Crescent. That's what happens in this postcode - you step out for some milk and come home with a new wallet, in this season's colour, in soft leather, on-sale! bonus!

Truth be told, I had been on the look-out for a while and I kinda had the feeling that Eclettica could be the store, with their spot-on range of leather bags and purses, in the softest, most stylish Italian designs....

They also have Spanish espadrilles, Italian leather sandals and a few must-have, go-anywhere frocks for summer. And did I mention the hand-woven Panama Hats that will be scooped up in a nano-second as soon as the heat hits this weekend?

They also stock, exclusively, the Santa Maria Novella range and the most amaaazing silver collectable items that we will definitely be going into more detail about ..... very, very soon. [I feel a christmas wish-list coming on]....

Check 'em out at : Cnr Macleay and Rockwall [across from ZINC]